The artwork I decided to do my PRESENTATION on is by Joe Rootsey. He was an aboriginal painter and had a beautiful exhibition of watercolor landscapes displayed in the Queensland Art Gallery. I decided to do my REVIEW PAPER on Karla Marchesi and her Left Behind exhibition. I feel like I will be able to relate to artwork in my review very fact I think what I enjoyed most about her paintings is that we all can relate. Her theme throughout her work is "out with the old." She portrays the once treasured possessions of our past now being recycled in our present. Her artwork showed various "Queenslander" households with their insides in a disarray while others had the frivolous possessions out on the curb. In a nutshell she sums up the material lifestyle many of us get caught up in. We create the environments we live in and the environments we leave behind. Her pieces reminded me of the old saying of "you sleep in the bed you made."
All of the galleries were in Fortitude Valley except for the Queensland Art Gallery which was located in Southbank. It was my first experience in Fortitude Valley during daylight hours...and it was so different. It is bar hopping central in the city after the sun sets but during day light hours there are families, elderly, and actual shops and restaurants. I had no idea! Actually, it was quite enjoyable during the day. BUT of course at night very entertaining. Southbank was stunning as usual and it was a beautiful day to walk along the Brisbane beach and have lunch and ice cream.
After the work was done I went to see the movie Going the Distance. It was sweet but unrealistic...I don't know how I feel about fairy tale endings that are portrayed in movies like this. The movie creates a fanciful long distance relationship that ends up working out...I'm not saying that it can't happen or won't...but I'm saying I haven't seen it work out for anyone yet, including me. I loved the idea of the movie but actually watching it was more than I bargained for. It was rated M for mature here in Australia...obviously I'm not emotionally mature enough yet...despite the fact I turn 21 in a week and can't handle a simple movie. Possibly just young at heart? oorr emotionally worn down and incapable of light hearted romance? Either way not quite my age...
My cold is much better and I am hoping it will be almost completely gone by the morning. My knee is doing...decent...but I don't know if I will be running on it tom. I might aim for was sore after walking around all day, so I'm not sure it's ready for a run quite yet. The rest of my night will most likely consist of studying and starting some of my papers. However, quite a few people are going to the Re for a "chill night" (we'll see how that works out), so I might do that...BUT most likely a relaxing night of school work and movies.
Travel update: I am thinking I will be going to Fraser Island September 27-October 1 over mid semester break. I went ask at the Queensland Railway today! Now to just look at accommodations and activities! Can't wait!